Print Options
The Print & Export Options icon in the upper-right corner of every MerusCase screen is a hidden gem of helpful printing and exporting utility. Based on which section of MerusCase you are in, you will have different options available to you.
To see the print and export options available on your current MerusCase page, click the printer icon in the upper-right corner.
To use one of the available print options, simply click on the name to select.
Print On-Screen Panel
Selecting Print On-Screen Panel takes the text and some of the formatting from the webpage, then places this content on a print-friendly page that can be saved to the computer or printed.
This option is available on all MerusCase pages.
Print Full Message
Print Full Message is designed to pull a snapshot of information from the page, preserving formatting and page structure. If right-panel view is open, then only the right-panel will be captured.
This is an option available from any open messages.
Print Table (Any MerusCase Table)
Print Table turns any MerusCase table into a print-friendly report. Filtering the table using the Search/Filter bar at the top of the page will allow the report to be crafted to a user’s needs. This is particularly helpful for printing case lists, tasks, and calendar events.
Next to the Print Table option, you’ll see a note such as “(36 Records)” which indicates how my results will be listed in the report.
This option is available for nearly all pages containing MerusCase tables. For additional reports, see the help article on the Reports section of MerusCase.
When using Print Table from the Browse Firm Events section of the Calendar, the report will be broken up by date automatically, making the report easy to read and use within the office.Export Table
Export Table allows users to export items into a specific format. After selecting this option, you will be asked to select a format for the export, either Excel file or .csv file. On click, the charges selected will be displayed in a new tab and the export file will be sent to the active user’s inbox. If the file is rather large, a new tab will not be displayed, but the user will still receive a message with the file attached.
With a few exceptions, this option is available wherever the Print Table can be used.
Create Mailing Labels (Contacts and Parties)
Create Mailing Labels pulls all contacts or parties on the page which have addresses. MerusCase will then prompt the user to select a type of Avery Label. The Avery labels available are 5160, 5161, 5162, 5163, 5164, 8600, and L7163.
Click Prepare to generate the mailing labels. Once the labels have been generated, you will click on the link to download the labels. The labels can then be printed from any PDF viewer.
Create Mailing Labels is an option from the Contacts section and the Parties tab of any case.
Print Envelopes (Contacts and Template)
Printing envelopes through MerusCase is easy to do for individuals or for many parties on a case.
Individual Envelopes
For any open contact, there will be a Print Envelope option below any listed address.
Click Print Envelope.
Adjust recipient address as necessary.
If return address should be printed on envelope as well, check the checkbox for Include return address. The option to always Include return address is available to all users under Envelope Printing in User Preferences.
Click Print to generate a PDF of the envelope which can be printed from any PDF viewer. Else, click Cancel to opt out of printing the envelope.
Bulk Envelopes
To print many envelopes for a case simultaneously, you can use MerusCase’s built-in template entitled Built In Word ENVELOPES-Multiparty (Generic).docx. For a template that includes the return address, look for the template labeled Built In Word ENVELOPES-Multiparty With Return (Generic).docx.
Once you’ve merged the template, always review the envelopes to ensure that MS Word has formatted the addresses correctly.
For additional information on merging templates, check out our reference article entitled Templates.