Managing Copy Service Orders

Copy service orders can be retrieved and updated through the API using an authentication token for the vendor’s MerusCase user account.

Retrieving Copy Service Orders

Retrieve a list of copy service orders available to API User.


GET copyServiceOrders/index

Retrieve the details of a copy service order by ID. This request will also include an object containing the available record types for reference.


GET copyServiceOrders/view/:copy_service_order_id

Retrieve a list of copy order service status IDs.


GET copyServiceOrders/statuses/index

Retrieve a list of copy order record type IDs.


GET copyServiceOrders/recordTypes/index

Add a new document to MerusCase.


POST uploads/add


Name Type Description
data[Upload][submitted_files][] file Required File being uploaded to requestor.

Attach an uploaded document to a copy service order.


POST copyServiceOrders/edit/:copy_service_order_id


Name Type Description
data[CopyServiceOrder][id] integer Required Copy Service Order ID
data[CopyServiceOrder][oauth_app_id] integer Required Your app ID
data[CopyServiceOrder][uploads][] integer Required Upload ID from the above response. Include this parameter once per document being added to the request

Update an existing copy service order’s status once all documents have been added.


POST copyServiceOrders/edit/:copy_service_order_id


Name Type Description
data[CopyServiceOrder][id] integer Required Copy Service Order ID
data[CopyServiceOrder][copy_service_order_status_id] integer Required Copy Service Order Status ID


API calls using the copyServiceOrders endpoint can be made more specific by using date delimiters.

The following date delimiters can be used to filter based on date range.

Name Type Description Example
[gte] integer Greater Than or Equal To /caseLedgersOpen/index?date[gte]=2018-08-01
[lte] integer Less Than or Equal To /caseLedgersOpen/index?date[lte]=2018-08-01
[gt] integer Greater Than /caseLedgersOpen/index?date[gt]=2018-08-01
[lt] integer Less Than /caseLedgersOpen/index?date[lte]=2018-08-01

Multiple delimiters can be used for specific start and end dates. For example, retrieving all case ledgers for the month of August 2018 would look like so: /caseLedgersOpen/index?date_needed_by[gte]=2018-08-01&date_needed_by[lte]=2018-08-31


Either [min] or [start] can be substituted for [gte] for the sake of readability. Similarly, [lte], [max], and [end] can be used interchangeably.